
  • On migration, science, and literature

    Writing about migration is challenging. Nevertheless, being able to commence this piece feels like a significant step in my own migration journey. It seems that migration has become something that can be approached with a bit of distance. What I mean here is the ability to write about migration with a more subjective perspective. Otherwise, treating migration as a scientific phenomenon, much like the desk in front of me, as something independent of me and a foreign object, or conducting scientific research on it, feels relatively easier.

  • Psychotherapy with expats

    Expat, exile, immigrant, name it as you like;
    you’re living a tale of parting
    And parting,
    a thread in love’s intricate weaving.

  • Land of No Doubt…

    Doubt is often described as an unsettling emotion that eats away at us from within, something we want to rid ourselves of as soon as possible. Doubt is portrayed as a sort of purgatory, as it leaves us uncertain whether it will ultimately lead us to the eternal bliss of heaven or to the infernal cauldrons of damnation. To the one who doubts, the object of doubt appears neither entirely good and trustworthy, nor entirely sinister and harmful.

  • Who should raise a human baby?

    Perhaps due to the unique position humans assign themselves among all living beings, giving birth to a child is considered a sacred act. The extent to which the title of “sacredness,” bestowed upon a woman after giving birth, serves the mother’s best interests is a subject of debate. While this rhetoric symbolically places heaven at the feet of the woman who has given birth, in practice, it often implies that she should be controlled.

  • Why is Homo sapiens so arrogant?

    In his often-quoted passage in the introductory lectures on psychoanalysis, Freud speaks of two significant narcissistic blows to humanity: the realization that one is a tiny dot in an inconceivably vast planetary system, let alone being the center of the world or the universe, and learning that humans evolved from chimpanzees. And in the continuation of the passage, -not very humbly- he suggests that the third and more painful blow to human arrogance comes from his own theory. The existence of the unconscious reveals that the ego is not even master in its own house(1).

  • Blue Whale: Sadism in the Virtual World

    Not long ago, I came across a news story that left me with an indescribable feeling. One part of me wished to believe that what I had read couldn’t possibly be true, seeking solace in denial. However, my curious side, questioning, “Could such a thing really be true?” prevailed, and I typed those three words into a search engine: “Blue Whale Game.”